Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE)

Local 30314

Transport Canada

Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB)

Bulletin Board

News and upcoming events

2024 Annual General Meeting of Local 30314

-- Date to be determined --
Note: the will be held via a Zoom virtual meeting (check your email for the link to the meeting)

Positions open for nominations this year:

If you're interesting in running for a position, please feel free to ask for a nomination.

2025 Annual General Meeting of Local 30314

Tentatively scheduled for 3rd week of November 2025

Executive and Steward Contacts

President: Heiko Boychuk - president@ucte30314.ca

Vice-president: Jerrett Hutchings - vp@ucte30314.ca

Secretary: Kim Davis - secretary@ucte30314.ca

Treasurer: Darren Sandnes - treasurer@ucte30314.ca

Chief Shop Steward: Jason Rosadiuk - chiefshopsteward@ucte30314.ca

Grievance Procedures

Step one is always to contact your office shop steward and they will walk you through the entire process.

Note: if your office shop steward is unavailable, please feel free to contact any of the other stewards.

UCTE Grievance Handling page

Transport Canada internal grievance procedures: RDIMS 8424258

Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) detailed grievance procedures: --to be added--