Transport Canada
Edmonton International Airport (YEG Security), AB
Edmonton Office (Canada Place), AB
Whitehorse Office (Elijah Smith Building), YK
Yellowknife Office (YK Centre), NT
Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB)
Edmonton Facility, AB
Bulletin Board
News and upcoming events
2024 Annual General Meeting of Local 30314
-- Date to be determined --
Note: the will be held via a Zoom virtual meeting (check your email for the link to the meeting)
Positions open for nominations this year:
Chief Shop Steward
all shop steward positions
If you're interesting in running for a position, please feel free to ask for a nomination.
2025 Annual General Meeting of Local 30314
Tentatively scheduled for 3rd week of November 2025
Executive and Steward Contacts
President: Heiko Boychuk -
Vice-president: Jerrett Hutchings -
Secretary: Kim Davis -
Treasurer: Darren Sandnes -
Chief Shop Steward: Jason Rosadiuk -
Canada Place Shop Steward: Sharon Chung
Edmonton TSB Shop Steward: --vacant--
Whitehorse Shop Steward: Jeffery Wong
YEG Security Shop Steward: --vacant--
Yellowknife Shop Steward: Hekmat Chama
Grievance Procedures
Step one is always to contact your office shop steward and they will walk you through the entire process.
Note: if your office shop steward is unavailable, please feel free to contact any of the other stewards.
Transport Canada internal grievance procedures: RDIMS 8424258
Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) detailed grievance procedures: --to be added--